About Us
Developing innovative products to address the issues our clients face now and into the future
MAI Animal Health’s presence in New Zealand was first launched through a sister company called Genesis Industries NZ.
Genesis Industries started trading in the early 90s from a base in Queenstown, marketing the Power Doser.
Over the years Genesis Industries NZ have developed and manufactured unique products for the animal health market which have mainly been exported overseas to MAI’s offices.
In 2016 Management decided it was time to tap into the local agricultural market, so set up a sales division and MAI Animal Health NZ was born. Genesis Industries NZ remained as the manufacturing and development business.
This partnership provided each business with many advantages, one of those being the opportunity and ability to develop and manufacture a NZ-made Teat Spray Gun for use in Dairy Sheds. The gun came with several unique & beneficial features for the end user, suited to the New Zealand dairy environment.
Further to this, MAI Animal Health NZ was the first company to launch a new product and a new way for farmers to assist dairy cows in avoiding the effects of milk fever through their unique product the TRANSITION™ Calcium Bolus. This product has changed the whole market in how they treat dairy cows after calving.
At MAI Animal Health NZ we will continue to develop innovative products to address the issues our clients face on their farms, and in their practices, now and into the future.
Team New Zealand

Kevin Hinton
National Sales Manager
027 870 4353

Anna Singleton
Area Manager
Taupo – Upper North Island
027 497 4003

Carla Sheridan
Area Manager
Turangi-Lower North Island
027 404 0797