MAI Animal Health
Innovative, practical solutions to enhance the lives of animals and their humans
In 2016 MAI Animal Health was born in New Zealand. Developed to become the sales arm of the manufacturing and development business Genesis Industries Ltd.
Since then we have continued to develop innovative products to address the issues our clients face on their farms, and in their practices, now and into the future.
Calcium Bolus and Applicator
TRANSITION™ provides both immediate and sustained release calcium to newly calved cows. It is easy to swallow and more palatable than drenches or pastes and is unique to the New Zealand market.
Teat Spray Gun
Teat-Care Pro™ Teat sprayer is a complete teat spraying system that works off a compressor. Couple this with our unique and robust Teat-Care Pro™ Guns which contain a tonne of added features for farmers.
The pump unit & guns are made in NZ.
Power Doser
The Power Doser™ is an Air or CO2-operated medicant delivery system manufactured by Genesis Instruments. This system can be utilized with all livestock medication needs and is capable of delivering an accurate and consistent dose whether you are using for injection delivery, oral delivery, or topical delivery.

SilverGlide™ Sutures
Sutures designed for all animal surgeries, including equine, bovine and small animal.
Team New Zealand

Kevin Hinton
National Sales Manager
027 870 4353

Anna Singleton
Area Manager
Taupo – Upper North Island
027 497 4003

Carla Sheridan
Area Manager
Turangi-Lower North Island
027 404 0797
Product Praise
“This is much easier to use. I really like it.” ~ Dean Geddes, Dairy Farmer.
‘Dean used to give his older cows a bag of calcium after calving as a pick-me-up, and has also used oral drenches in the past. Now he uses the TRANSITION™ Calcium Boluses, which are simpler, faster and cleaner to use, and can be readily administered in the rotary.’
Your success starts with a simple conversation. Contact us now and let's make things happen together!